Ready for next-generation LED direct view displays
Reduce your total cost of ownership. Gain quality inspections and the flexibility to scale — without compromising on accuracy, quality, or speed. The ADAT3 XF PiXelect Bonder is four times faster than anything on the market — handling LED as small as 3x5 mil. The flip-chip bin-mixing technology eliminates the sorting step and manual wafer change. Multiple systems can be connected — enabling you to build competitive, high-definition, and cost-effective displays using mini-LED technology.
Bonding 70.000 units per hour
Handles the smallest LED sizes on the market
Flip and non-flip configuration at same speed
Standard deviation XY position better than 3 μm
Handles sorted as well as EPI wafer input (sorting and bonding integrated in one step)
100% high-resolution optical inspections on die, attach, and post-bond steps without compromising on machine speed
8 inches Film Frame Carrier (FFC) ring with fully automatic wafer change
Can be configured for manual load as well as conveyor belt interface with a series of systems (Red/Green/Blue (RGB) line)
Can handle R, G, B colours in single machine with placement gap down to 20 μm
70.000 units per hour flip-chip bonding
Die Range
Length, width: 75 x 125 μm to 2.5 x 2.5 mm
Aspect Ratio: 1:1 - 1:3
Thickness: 50 - 400 μm
Substrate range
Minimum: 75 x 75 x 0.1 mm
Maximum: 250 x 250 x 2 mm
Placement Accuracy
Die position: x, y: 1σ ≤ 3µm
Die rotation: φ: 1σ ≤ 1°
Pick and place force: 0.2…1.5 ± 0.1 N
Pick up tooling
Vespel collet
Rubber tip
Four sided collet
Push-up needle
Substrate Handling
Optional conveyor belt interface with a series of machines (RGB line)
QA Vision Inspections
Pre pick inspection (wafer): Die alignment. Frontside chipping. Wafer map alignment
Pre pick inspection (PKG carrier): PKG alignment
Frontside chipping. Carrier map alignment
Post pick (transfer): Die present. Die alignment
Pre-bond inspection on substrate: Bond pad alignment
Post bond inspection incl. substrate recognition: Die placement
Wafer handling
Handling R, G, B wafers: EPI or Sorted
8 inches Film Frame Carrier (FFC) ring
Automatic wafer change
Wafer expansion
Automatic barcode reader
Full die traceability (full strip mapping)
Auto recipe download (MES interface)
Monitoring of critical process parameters during production. Automatic stop function when parameter out of control
Servo, bond-force and vacuum auto-diagnostics functionality to check health status of the machine
Machine dimensions
Length, width, height: 2050 x 1280 x 2100 mm3
Net weight: 1850 kg